7 P.M.


1.                  Call Regular Meeting to Order:  Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while this meeting was open to the public.


Roll call was taken.  Present were board members Micheal Dwyer, Kristie Magnino, Susie Moravec, Matt O’Daniel and Greg Sampson.  Also present were Lynn Johnson, superintendent, Andrew Farber, high school principal, Brent Cudly, athletic director/junior high principal, Chad Radke, elementary principal and Cheryl Keeler, recording secretary.  Board member Mark Jamison was absent.  Moved by Susie Moravec and seconded by Mike Dwyer to excuse the absence.  Mike Dwyer, Kristie Magnino, Susie Moravec, Matt O’Daniel and Greg Sampson voting in favor of the motion.


1.1       Pledge of Allegiance


1.2       Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda:  Moved by Matt O’Daniel and seconded by Greg Sampson to approve the regular agenda as amended to add an update on bond refinancing from Craig Jones with D.A. Davidson and Company before 4.0 Curriculum/Instruction Reports and also add 8.5 Legislative Update.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote with Mike Dwyer, Kristie Magnino, Susie Moravec and Greg Sampson voting in favor of the motion.


2.         Welcome to Guests and Public Forum:  Welcome to students who were in attendance.


3.         Consent Agenda:


3.1       Minutes/Ratify Action of the March 12, 2012 Regular Meeting.

3.2       Monthly Financial Reports, Claims (Check Register), Special Fund Transfers, Hot Lunch Report and Activity Report. 


Odeys              Depreciation Fund      $2,100


Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Matt O’Daniel to approve the consent agenda as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.


4.         Update on Bond Refinancing:  Craig Jones with D.A. Davidson and Company presented information on the bond refunding.  The district will save about $1.572 million on the refinance and additionally the structure was changed from a 5% valuation growth factor to a 2.7% valuation growth.  Average interest rate for the life of the loan is 2.956643% (3.100833% all-In TIC) as compared to 4.35066% on the old bonds.  The present value savings of refunded bonds is 12.7063%.


5.         Curriculum/Instruction Reports:  Kevin Krohn was present to give a presentation on the 7-12 Science SMART goals and progress on goals.


6.         Review of Annual District Plan:  The board reviewed goal two which addresses retention, recruitment and professional development of staff.  Discussion included what opportunities are being afforded to all staff for workshops, etc.  Mr. Farber and Mrs. Johnson both reported that the candidates for open positions this year seemed more plentiful, that may be based on timeline.  Most of the candidates who were interviewed for any of the positions were familiar with our school and commented upon the recent accomplishments and recognition that the district has received.  Superintendent Johnson suggested that it might be helpful in providing insight into ongoing recruitment if we could track the 'number' of applicants on a spreadsheet.


7.         Principals’ Reports:  Brent Cudly spoke about the NeSA tests for middle school, upcoming track events, the recognition ceremony for Barry Jurgensen and the transition of Mr. Shada into the assistant principal/activities’ director position.  Chad Radke spoke about NeSA, summer skills planning, technology workshop he attended and updated them on the events taking place from now to the end of the school year.  Andrew Farber spoke about Honors Night and presented data on student failure rates.


8.         Superintendent’s Report:


8.1       Mileage Reimbursement for Board Member Travel:  Susie Moravec and Lynn Johnson will rework some guidelines to reflect a rate of reimbursement for board members who use their own vehicles for travel to professional development opportunities.


8.2       Enrollment:  Enrollment has decreased by 55 students over the last five years.


8.3       Preliminary State Aid Numbers:  A reduction of $120,000 in state aid is scheduled.



9.         Board of Education Committee Reports:


9.1       Finance Committee:  The committee will recommend to the board next month a change in the transportation guidelines to include allowing option students to ride buses.  Option students will need to make arrangements to be picked up at a mutually agreed upon and safe place along an existing route, if there is room on the bus.


9.2       Negotiations Committee:  The committee is waiting for a finalization of a comparative study.


9.3       Buildings and Grounds Committee:  The committee reported that they reviewed the summative needs assessment list and prioritized the following for summer work:

Carpet in four high school classrooms;

Approximately $50,000 of roof work;

Handicap signs to be hung at the football field;

Re-key 15 doors at the high school for safety reasons.


9.4              Professional Development Sharing:  None at this time.


9.5       Legislative Update:  Mr. Dwyer updated the board on some bills pending

in Lincoln.


10.       Unfinished Business:  


10.1     Discuss and Consider the TCT Time Proposal for the 2012-2013 School Year:  It was presented that the plans are not finalized but what has been decided is that we are going to be able to have the entire district do TCT time on Friday mornings with a late start.  Buses will run regular time and we will make arrangements to supervise K-8 students that need to come at the regular time.  More information will be forth coming.  Some of the final details are centered around ways to regain some of the instructional time that we will be giving up in that slot to avoid losing the $66,000 in state aid that we receive next year for instructional time.


11.       New Business:


11.1     Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve Administrator Contract:  Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Mike Dwyer to approve a 2012-2013 administrative contract for James Shada for the position of Assistant Principal/Activities’ Director at a salary of $68,500 as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.


11.2     Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Establish an Employee Benefit Fund for the Purpose of Reserving General Fund Money for the Benefit of School District Employees:  This fund is considered a component of the general fund. 


            Moved by Susie Moravec and seconded by Matt O’Daniel to approve the establishment of an Employee Benefit Fund as presentedMotion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.


11.3     Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Adopt Policy 6800 Computer - Internet Safety and Acceptable Use:  Moved by Matt O’Daniel and seconded by Greg Sampson to adopt Policy 6800 Computer - Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.


11.4     Review, Discuss and Consider the Following Policies:  Staff handbooks will be reviewed in June.

            2210                Duties of the Principal

            2220                Evaluation of Principal

            Reg. 2220A     Evaluation Instrument for Principals

            2400                Line of Authority

            2410                Administrative Action in Emergencies

            2420                Staff Handbooks

            2430                Attendance at Professional Growth Meetings

            2440                Administrative Action in Absence of Policy


12.       Executive Session:  Discuss and Consider Negotiations: Not needed. No discussion at this time.


13.       Adjournment:  There being no further business meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.


________________________________                    ______________________________

Susie Moravec, Board President                                 Lynn Johnson, Board Secretary