1.                  Meeting Called to Order and Roll Call:  President Moravec called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while this hearing was open to the public.


1.1       Pledge of Allegiance.


Present were Board Members Micheal Dwyer, Kristie Gilmore, Mark Jamison, Susie Moravec, and Jill Schreck.  Board Member Tom Kratochvil was absent.  Also present was Lynn Johnson, high school principal, Brent Cudly, assistant high school principal, Nate Stineman, superintendent and Cheryl Keeler, recording secretary.


Moved by Schreck and seconded by Dwyer to approve the regular agenda as presented. Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote with Dwyer, Gilmore, Jamison, Moravec and Schreck voting in favor of the motion.


2.         Welcome to Guests and Public Forum:  Jill Schreck was presented a clock in appreciation for her years of service on the school board.  Ms. Schreck was commended as an excellent board member who always put the kids first.  Two new board members who will be seated in January, Greg Sampson and Kristie Magnino, were introduced.  


7:11 p.m.  Chad Radke entered the meeting.


3.        Consent Agenda: 


3.1       Minutes/Ratify Action of the November 10, 2008 Regular Meeting.

3.2       Monthly Financial Reports, Claims (Check Register), Special Fund Transfers, Hot Lunch Report and Activity Report.

3.3       Mecco-Henne Contracting        $123,500.00    Construction Fund


Moved by Schreck and seconded by Dwyer to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.  


4.                  Principal’s Reports:  Written reports were submitted by the principals.  Mrs. Johnson reported on the Close-Up trip that was just completed.  Board members requested that students do a presentation in January about the trip. Mrs. Johnson also reported on establishing specific criteria for honors classes.  Assistant High School Principal Brent Cudly reported on the Wieslives character education program that is done through the junior high TA groups.  Board Member Micheal Dwyer requested there be no parking in red areas of the loop or to close the loop during games.  Rescue or fire trucks can not get through if people are parked in red areas.  Mr. Cudly and Mrs. Johnson assured Mr. Dwyer that the lane will be kept clear for emergency vehicles.  Chad Radke, elementary principal, reported on the village board meeting he had just attended.  The village board will approve a building permit for phases I and II. 


5.                  Superintendent’s Report/Informational Items:


5.1              Annual Hot Lunch Report and Annual District Report (January).


5.2              Board Christmas Items:  Meat and cheese trays will be supplied for staff by the Board.


5.3              Construction Update:  Les Reimer presented updates to the Board.  There are some issues with the village that have arisen regarding an adequate number of parking places available for the multi-purpose room when it is completed.  There is a concern that where more parking spaces are proposed to be built, the water lines could be too shallow and would not allow for parking to be built over them without the probability of freezing during winter months.  A concern over drainage by the walking trail was also voiced.  These issues will be discussed and worked out with the Village of Arlington.  The two boards plan to meet in the near future to discuss these items.


5.4              Workplace Massage:  Mr. Stineman reported on a request that has been made to make massages available to school staff during their planning periods or free time.  Employees would have to pay for the service and the massage therapist would pay the school rent.  Other schools offer this as a wellness benefit to their staff.  Mr. Stineman was directed to look into how other schools run this program and how the school would charge rent for this service.  The service would only be offered one day per month.


5.5              Arlington Education Foundation:  Bev Greunke is stepping down from the Arlington Education Foundation.  She has requested that the school take over some of the bookkeeping duties that had been done by the Foundation.  Mr. Stineman will look into how this should be handled.


6.                  Curriculum/Instruction Reports:


6.1              Science and Summer Grant:  Written reports were submitted by Sara Hasenauer for the elementary science program and Jason Morphew for the secondary science program.  Ann Jamison and three of her students presented the summer grant presentation.  Mrs. Jamison reported on the work that was done to develop a High Ability Learners’ curriculum for eighth grade and activities before and after school for the HAL program.  A parent voiced her appreciation for the opportunity the class has provided her child.



7.         Unfinished Business:


7.1       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Complete Superintendent’s Evaluation.


7.2       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action on Additional 2007-2008 Audit Charges:  Moved by Dwyer and seconded by Schreck to discuss the additional audit charges.  There was discussion on the additional audit charges regarding AEF and terms of the contract requiring advanced approval of additional charges. 


Moved by Jamison and seconded by Schreck to approve payment of additional charges for the 2007-2008 audit in the amount of $550 as presented.  Motion failed on a 5-0 roll call vote with Dwyer, Gilmore, Jamison, Moravec and Schreck voting against to the motion.


Moved by Dwyer and seconded by Gilmore to approve payment of additional charges for the 2007-2008 audit in the amount of $275.  Motion failed on a 3-2 roll call vote with Dwyer and Gilmore voting in favor of the motion and Jamison, Moravec and Schreck voting against the motion.


8.         New Business:


8.1       Discuss and Consider Board Self-Evaluation.


8.2       Discuss and Consider a Board Retreat in February:  A work session may be scheduled for January.  Susie Moravec will check on dates that are open at the Fremont Country Club. 


9.         Executive Session:


9.1       Superintendent’s Evaluation:  Moved by Dwyer and seconded by Jamison to enter into executive session to discuss personnel issues, and to prevent the needless injury to the reputation of an employee and/or individual and to protect the public interest.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.


                                                            Time Entered: 8:55 p.m.                      

                                                Adjournment of Executive Session

                                                            Time Exited:  10:29 p.m.    


10.       Action on Executive Session Items:  No action taken.


11.       Adjournment:  There being no further business meeting was adjourned at 10:29 p.m.



___________________________________              ____________________________________

Susie Moravec, Board President                                   Nate Stineman, Board Secretary