MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2012, 7 P.M.
1. Call Meeting to Order and Roll Call: Vice President Mark Jamison called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while this meeting was open to the public.
Roll call was taken. Present were board members Micheal Dwyer, Mark Jamison, Kristie Magnino, Greg Sampson and Shanon Willmott. Matt O’Daniel was absent, the absence was excused. Also present were Lynn Johnson, superintendent, James Shada, assistant high school principal/AD, Chad Radke, elementary principal and Cheryl Keeler, recording secretary.
1.1 Pledge of Allegiance
Vice President Jamison presented a plaque to Kristie Magnino to commemorate her four years of service on the board. This was Kristie’s last meeting. Mark thanked Kristie for her years of service and let her know how much her service was appreciated. Micheal Dwyer was recognized by NASBO for achieving Level Four based on his attendance of extra professional development opportunities.
1.2 Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda: Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Greg Sampson to approve the regular agenda as presented. Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote with Mike Dwyer, Mark Jamison, Kristie Magnino, Greg Sampson and Shanon Willmott all voting in favor of the motion. Matt O’Daniel was absent.
2. Welcome to Guests and Public Forum: Mark Jamison asked if any one wanted to address the board as part of the public forum. Kathy Rhea addressed the board regarding the inaccessibility of grassy areas to elementary students during recess. She wondered why they have to play on the concrete when grassy areas could be made accessible to them. She also addressed the issue of the new sprinkler system being considered and suggested money would be better spent on computers. Kenny Reed addressed the board regarding the sprinkler system. He supports the underground sprinkler system and encouraged the board to sprinkle the entire area. He also would like to see the safety issues addressed so children could play on the grass by moving the football practice equipment into storage when it is not being used. Covered storage would also help preserve the condition of the equipment.
3. Consent Agenda:
3.1 Minutes/Ratify Action of the November 12, 2012 Regular Meeting.
3.2 Monthly Financial Reports, Claims (Check Register), Special Fund Transfers, Hot Lunch Report and Activity Report.
Benefit Fund BCBS Health Insurance $5,489.80
Bond Fund Union Bank-Principal/Interest on Bond $225,193.88
Bond Fund Union Bank-Principal/Interest on Old Bond $30,495
Moved by Kristie Magnino and seconded by Shanon Willmott to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.
4. Curriculum/Instruction Reports: Language Arts and Third Grade: Tashia Wolf and Elizabeth Fedde presented the third grade report. They reviewed the submitted written report that included smart goals for English and math. Marty Potter presented the language arts report for the high school. She presented the smart goals and reviewed how high school teachers are helping students stay at or above 80% of state averages.
5. Review of Annual District Plan: These will be revisited after the board retreat in February.
6. Principals’ Reports: Chad Radke, elementary principal, reviewed his submitted written report regarding C4L testing. James Shada, high school assistant principal/athletic director, reported on efforts to obtain 17 state championship banners to commemorate championship victories. He thanked Mr. Fink for all the research he has done on the subject. The first championship victory was in 1940. The latest championship winners are the girls’ softball team.
7. Superintendent’s Report:
7.1 Holiday Celebration:
Tuesday, December 18 – Administrator Soup Luncheon for Staff
Wednesday, December 19 – Holiday Breakfast for Transportation
and Food Service
Friday, December 21 – BOE Meat/Cheese Trays for Staff
7.2 February Board Retreat – Scheduled for Wednesday, February 20 at 5:30 p.m.
7.3 Scheduled Maintenance Over Break: Replace lights in shop area and redo floors.
7.4 Marketing – Ads with KHUB in February/March. These will be placed in an effort to get more option students. We will also advertise in the Enterprise Community Progress.
7.5 Arlington Education Foundation Grant Award - $3,500 to Elementary Technology Initiative will be received. This will bring the total donated by the AEF for technology purchases for the school to $11,500.
8. Board of Education Committee Reports:
8.1 Finance Committee: No report
8.2 Negotiations Committee: Continue to meet with AEA attempting to negotiate a two-year contract.
8.3 Buildings and Grounds Committee: Three estimates for sprinkler systems were considered. The most efficient and fiscally sound was to proceed with installing an underground sprinkler system rather than a water wheel system. The committee also recommended the purchase of a new skid loader to better service our needs. The proposal includes trading in existing equipment. With the purchase of a skid loader, there is an opportunity to participate in the municipal rollover program which provides a replacement machine annually for $1,900.
8.4 Professional Development Sharing: The NASB convention was attended by Lynn Johnson and Board Members Dwyer and Jamison. Everyone felt the convention offered a great deal of helpful information. Some subjects covered were safety issues that could arise due to allergies, also information on budgets and details of an FBLA run grocery store project in Cody, Nebraska.
8.5 Legislative Update: Mike Dwyer reported that state aid will be falling again while the state tries to deal with the impact of the expense of the new health care law.
9. Unfinished Business:
9.1 Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to accept a proposal to install an underground sprinkler system in the area west and south of the elementary. Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Mark Jamison to accept the proposal from Uleman Irrigation not to exceed $12,930 to install an underground sprinkler system in the area west and south of the elementary contingent on additional pricing details to be received from the vendor and accepted at Superintendent Johnson’s recommendation as amended. Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.
10. New Business:
10.1 Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to trade in the current equipment consisting of a 2009 Bobcat CT445 tractor and loader, 2010 10’ snow pusher and Western Track snow blade, and to purchase a Bobcat skid-steer loader from Bobcat of Omaha. Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Greg Sampson to approve the purchase of a S570 Bobcat skid-steer loader for a cost of $7,750 after trade in of the 2009 Bobcat CT445 tractor with loader, 2010 10’ snow pusher and Western Track snow blade as presented. Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.
10.2 Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to hire a non-certified employee. Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Mike Dwyer to approve the ‘at-will’ employment of Cindy Martens as elementary administrative assistant effective Wednesday, November 28, 2012, as presented. Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.
10.3 Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to recognize the AEA to represent the certificated non-administrative staff as the exclusive bargaining agent for 2014-2015. Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Kristie Magnino to recognize the Arlington Education Association to represent the certificated non-administrative staff as the exclusive bargaining agent for 2014-2015 as presented. Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.
11. Executive Session: Discuss and Consider teacher negotiations and FCMG contract negotiations. Moved by Mark Jamison and seconded by Shanon Willmott to enter into executive session to discuss and consider teacher negotiations, FCMG contract negotiations, superintendent evaluation and to prevent the needless injury to the reputation of an employee and/or individual and to protect the public interest. Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.
After a short break at 8:10 p.m., the Board entered into
executive session at 8:17 p.m.
Exited executive session at 8:25 p.m.
12. Action on Executive Session Items: None
13. Adjournment: There being no further business meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
__________________________________ ____________________________________
Mark Jamison, Board Vice President Lynn Johnson, Board Secretary