MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2014, 7:00 P.M.



1.         Call Regular Meeting to Order and Roll Call:  Vice President Matt O’Daniel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while this meeting was open to the public.


Roll call was taken. Present were board members Micheal Dwyer, Luanne Sundberg, Greg Sampson, Shanon Willmott and Matt O’Daniel.  Also present were Lynn Johnson, superintendent, Andrew Farber, high school principal, James Shada, assistant high school principal/AD, David Fritson, elementary principal and Cheryl Keeler, recording secretary.


1.1       Pledge of Allegiance


1.2               Discuss, Consider and Take Action to appoint new board member:  Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Shanon Willmont to appoint Teri O’Flaherty as a member of the board of education to fill the position vacated due to the resignation of Mark Jamison; said appointment is effective immediately and shall continue until a registered voter nominated at the next primary election is elected and takes office on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January 2015 as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote with Mike Dwyer, Matt O’Daniel, Greg Sampson, Luanne Sundberg and Shanon Willmott voting in favor of the motion.


1.3      Administer/Collect Oath of Office:  Mrs. O’Flaherty stood and read aloud the oath of office and submitted a signed copy for board records.


1.4       Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda:  Moved by Shanon Willmott and seconded by Mike Dwyer to approve the regular agenda as presented.  Motion carried 6-0 on a roll call vote with Mike Dwyer, Matt O’Daniel, Teri O’Flaherty, Greg Sampson, Luanne Sundberg and Shanon Willmott all voting in favor of the motion.


2.         Welcome to Guests and Public Forum:  No comments


3.         Reorganization of the Board:  Vice President O’Daniel presided over the election of the board president.


3.1       Election of President:  *Open Nominations – Matt O’Daniel called for nominations.  Greg Sampson nominated Micheal Dwyer.  No other nominations were made.  Results of oral ballot indicated six in favor and none opposed.  Micheal Dwyer presided over the rest of the meeting.


3.2       Election of Vice President:  Mike Dwyer called for nominations for vice president.  Greg Sampson nominated Matt O’Daniel.  No other nominations were made.  Results of oral ballot indicated six in favor and none opposed.


3.3       Election of Secretary:  Matt O’Daniel nominated Lynn Johnson to be appointed secretary.  Board responded by oral ballot with six in favor and none opposed.


3.4       Appointment of Treasurer:  Matt O’Daniel requested Cheryl Keeler be appointed treasurer.  Board members responded by oral ballot with six in favor and none opposed.


3.5       Appointment of Recording Secretary:  Cheryl Keeler was appointed recording secretary.  No comments or concerns were raised.


Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Greg Sampson to approve the 2014 slate of officers as presented:  Michael Dwyer, president; Matt O’Daniel. vice president; Lynn Johnson, secretary; Cheryl Keeler, treasurer and recording secretary.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


3.6       Appointment of Board Committees:  Board president made the following committee and representative appointments.


Committee Assignments 2014


Americanism/Education Eval                            Buildings and Grounds       

Shanon Willmott-Chair                                      Luanne Sundberg    

Luanne Sundberg                                               Micheal Dwyer       

Teri O’Flaherty                                                  Shanon Willmott


Finance                                                               Negotiations

Mike Dwyer                                                       Greg Sampson-Chair

Teri O’Flaherty                                                  Matt O’Daniel

Matt O’Daniel                                                    Shanon Willmott


                        APPOINTED REPRESENTATIVES 2014


St. Paul Lutheran Liaison       NASB Legislative/Government Relations Network

Luanne Sundberg                    Mike Dwyer


4.         Review Practices and Procedures:


4.1       Depository for School District - Two Rivers Bank


4.2       Identification of School Attorney - Perry, Guthery, Haase and Gessford; Harding and Schultz.  Both firms deal with items pertinent to school law.


4.3       Identification of Newspaper of Record - Arlington Citizen


4.4       Review Conflict of Interest Policies:  Policy 8260, Policy 8261, Policy 8270


5.         Consent Agenda:


5.1       Minutes/Ratify Action of the December 9, 2013 regular meeting and December 17, 2013 special meeting. 

5.2       Monthly Financial Reports, Claims (Check Register), Special Fund Transfers, Hot Lunch Report and Activity Report.


Employee Benefit Fund    BCBS Health Insurance                 $7,237.60


Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Teri O’Flaherty to approve the consent agenda as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


6.         Curriculum/Instruction Reports:  Math, Kindergarten, Preschool and PLC Committee


T.J. O’Connor presented the PLC Committee report.  Mr. O’Connor presented a power-point explaining the role and progress of the TCT leadership team as well as how that time is beneficial to teachers and improved learning. 


Laura McElmuray represented the math department, consisting of Mrs. McElmuray, Shawna Tierney, Ann Jamison, and Jeff Manka.  She presented the math report and shared the multi-cultural aspect covered in math as well as strategies, data, and standards measurement.  Also noted was recognition received for positive NESA results in math.


Gail Barth presented the preschool report.  Twenty-four students are in preschool.  Their smart goal pertains to math.  Ms. Barth shared, with a power point presentation and video, the strategies used to reinforce math skills.


Janet Warner and Cheryl Larsen presented the kindergarten report.  Their smart goal focuses on math and they also shared, with a power point presentation and video, the strategies used to reinforce math skills.  Number chart, ten frame flash cards and calendar are some of the tools used.


7.         Review of Annual District Plan:  No discussion this month.  Tabled until after the February board retreat.


8.         Principals’ Reports:  Andrew Farber presented the highlights of his written report.  He shared information on the state accountability changes, district eligibility requirements compared to the OPS proposed 2.0 eligibility guidelines, and the “Remembering Our Fallen” photo exhibit scheduled for January 27-January 31.  James Shada, athletic director, reported on the upcoming wrestling tournament and the recent holiday basketball tournament which was supported by donations from J. Skinner Baking Company.  David Fritson, elementary principal, reported on the Caring and Sharing Coin Drive, the beginning of the NeSa assessments, and the Books and Bedtime event.


9.         Superintendent’s Report:


9.1       Quarterly Enrollment Figures and Option Enrollment Student Information:  

            K-6   274; 7-12   283

9.2       Data for District Decision Makers Workshop-January 15; Legislative Issues Conference-January 26 and 27

9.3              Update on Policies 7000 and 8261-8347: 7000 policies will go back to the building and grounds committee for review.  Policies 8261-8347 tabled until the superintendent does more research.

9.4              Update on Safe Routes to School Grant:  The project director indicates that it is a slow process.  The regulations and approval process for a sidewalk, when using a government grant, is the same as an interstate.  Track drainage concerns may alter preliminary plans.


10.       Committee and Representative Reports:


            10.1     Americanism/Education Evaluation:  No report

10.2     Buildings and Grounds Committee:  No report

10.3     Finance Committee:  No report

10.4     Negotiations Committee:  Still working toward an agreement but nothing on paper.

10.5     NASB Legislative Representative:  Mike Dwyer reported on legislation that could be introduced.  Senators plan to introduce bills reducing agriculture land valuation from 75% to 65% for tax purposes.  The Allied School System bill could still be introduced.  It would require schools with 650 students or less to share schedules  with other small school districts in the hope of sharing resources.

            10.6     Professional Development Sharing:  No report


11.       Unfinished Business: 


11.1     Discuss and Consider the agenda for the Board Retreat on February 11, 2014: Board roles, responsibilities, and relationships will be reviewed at the retreat.  A facilitator from NASB will be utilized.  Board members are asked to identify 2-3 questions they want addressed at the meeting.


11.2     Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve amending Policy 8151 Standing Committees on second reading:  There are currently four standing committees.  Ad Hoc committees can be added as needed.  


Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Matt O’Daniel to approve Policy 8151 Standing Committees on second reading as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


12.       New Business:  None


13.       Executive Session:  None


14.       Action on Executive Session Items:  None


15.       Adjournment:  There being no other business meeting was adjourned at 8:48 p.m.


_____________________________________          ____________________________________

Michael Dwyer, Board President                               Lynn Johnson, Board Secretary


