MONDAY, JULY 11, 2011


1.                  Call Regular Meeting to Order:  The regular meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while this meeting was open to the public.


Present were board members Kristie Gilmore, Micheal Dwyer, Mark Jamison, Kristie Magnino, Susie Moravec and Greg Sampson.  Also present were Lynn Johnson, superintendent and Cheryl Keeler, recording secretary.


1.1       Pledge of Allegiance.


1.2       Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Kristie Gilmore to approve the regular agenda as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote with Mike Dwyer, Kristie Gilmore, Mark Jamison, Kristie Magnino, Susie Moravec and Greg Sampson voting in favor of the motion.


2.         Welcome to Guests and Public Forum:  No Comments


3.         Consent Agenda:


3.1       Minutes/Ratify Action of the June 13, 2011 Regular Meeting.   

3.2       Monthly Financial Reports, Claims (Check Register), Special Fund Transfers, Hot Lunch Report and Activity Report. 


Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Kristie Magnino to approve the consent agenda as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


4.         Curriculum/Instruction Reports:  None


5.         Principals’ Reports:  None


6.         Superintendent’s Report:


6.1       Renewal of Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association Membership:  NRCSA membership was met with a favorable response from board members.  The $700 annual fee was felt to be reasonable for the services they provide.


6.2       NASB Awards of Achievement Updates.


6.3       NASB Area Membership Meeting – September 21 in Fremont.


6.4       Forum Input on Teacher and Principal Standards:  The Department of Education is requesting feedback from the public.  Superintendent Johnson will post in the district newsletter meeting times that give opportunities to offer feedback.


6.5       Strategic Planning Update:  Superintendent Johnson will contact Pat Geary to come and give the Board an overview of strategic planning for districts.


6.6       Welcome Back on August 10:  Susie Moravec will attend.  All other board members are invited to attend as well.


6.7       Trophy Cases and Athletic Records:  Keith Fink has spent hours of his own time recreating and researching individual and team records.  The board expressed their appreciation for his time and efforts.  A means of retiring trophies that there is no longer room for should be considered.  An option suggested was to auction some of them off.


7.         Board of Education Committee Reports:


7.1       Discuss and Consider Buildings and Grounds Committee Report:  Mark Jamison reviewed the findings of the committee and the completion of several items on the priority list.  The Safe Routes to School Grant has found a responsible charge in Nick Weander.  This is required by federal mandate.  Mr. Weander will take care of all paperwork and insure all state and federal regulations are in compliance.  Sidewalk construction could start next spring or summer.


8.         Unfinished Business:


8.1       Discuss and Consider the Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreement Between Arlington Public Schools as the LPA and the Metropolitan Area Planning Agency as the Assisting Public Entity. 


8.2       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action on the Combined Consultant Selection, NEPA, Uniform Act, Signing of the Financial Management Systems Certification Resolution that Binds Arlington Public Schools to Comply with all Applicable Federal Law, State Law, and the Requirements of the LP Guidelines Manual in Regards to the Arlington Safe Route Project as Presented and to Designate Superintendent Lynn Johnson to be Responsible for Management of Various Processes as Presented. 


Moved by Mark Jamison and seconded by Kristie Gilmore to approve the Resolution, Combined Consultant Selection, NEPA, Uniform Act, Signing of the Financial Management Systems Certification as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


8.3       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action on a Resolution that Binds Arlington Public Schools to Comply with all Applicable Federal Law, Rules and Regulations of the Federal Highway Administration, State Law and Guidelines, and the LPA Guidelines Manual of Nebraska Roads and the Title VI - Civil Rights of Arlington Public Schools as Presented. 


Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Mike Dwyer to approve the Resolution, Title VI - Civil Rights as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


9.         New Business:


9.1       Discuss and Consider the 2010-2011 Annual Transportation Report and Review Summer Bus Maintenance:  Transportation costs are up $6,000 over last year.  Maintenance costs were down.  Salaries accounted for the increase.


9.2       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve the 2011-2012 Bus Lease Agreements with St. Paul Lutheran School.  Tabled until August.


9.3       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve 2011-2012 Student Breakfast/Lunch Prices:  Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Greg Sampson to approve the following breakfast prices for the 2011-2012 school year:  Elementary Students $1.10 and Middle School/Senior High Students $1.10 as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Susie Moravec to approve the following lunch prices for the 2011-2012 school year:  Elementary Students $1.75 and Middle School/Senior High Students $2.00 as presented.


9.4       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Accept Non-Certified Resignation:  Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Greg Sampson to accept the resignation of Linda Thomsen as bus driver effective immediately as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


9.5       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve “At-Will” Employment:  Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Mike Dwyer to approve the employment of Michelle Dam as a regular education paraprofessional for the 2011-2012 school year at the appropriate step on the salary scale as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


9.6       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve the NASB Medicaid Consortium Membership Resolution and Agreement:  Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Kristie Gilmore to adopt the above NASB Medicaid Consortium Membership Resolution and Agreement as presented.   Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


9.7       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Adopt the Following Policies:     Policy 1260            Service Animals

                                    Policy 3570     NCLB

                                    Policy 4003     Anti-discrimination, Anti-harassment,

and Anti-retaliation

                        Policy 6211     Curriculum-Assessments

                        Policy 6212     Assessments-Academic Content Standards

                        Policy 6283     Activities - Concussions


Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Kristie Gilmore to adopt Policies 1260 Service Animals, 3570 NCLB, 4003 Anti-discrimination, Anti-harassment, Anti-retaliation, 6211 Curriculum-Assessments, 6212 Assessments-Academic Content Standards, 6283 Activities-Concussions  as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


9.         Executive Session:  None


11.       Adjournment:  There being no further business meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


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Susie Moravec, Board President                                 Lynn Johnson, Board Secretary


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Date                                                                            Date