1.                  Meeting Called to Order and Roll Call:  Meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while this meeting was open to the public.


Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll call of board members was taken.  Present were Board Members Micheal Dwyer, Kristie Gilmore, Susie Moravec, Kristie Magnino and Greg Sampson. Also present was Lynn Johnson, high school principal, Chad Radke, elementary principal, Brent Cudly, assistant principal/activities director, Nate Stineman, superintendent and Cheryl Keeler, recording secretary.  Board member Mark Jamison was absent.


2.         Welcome to Guests and Public Forum.


3.        Consent Agenda: 


3.1              Minutes/Ratify Action of the February 9, 2009 Regular Meeting and March 2, 2009 Special Meeting.

3.2              Monthly Financial Reports, Claims (Check Register), Special Fund Transfers, Hot Lunch Report and    Activity Report.

FCMG                         Construction Fund        $22,227.00/    

                                          Special Building Fund (Expanded Gym) $31,418.00                

Meco-Henne                Construction Fund        $327,940.00   


3.3       2009-2010 Special Education Contract:  ESU#3   School Psychologist .20; Speech Language Pathologist .40; Physical Therapist .10; Occupational Therapist .10; Vision Res. Teacher .10; Brook Valley CDC Dual Diagnosed (Yes)


Moved by Sampson and seconded by Gilmore to approve the consent agenda as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote with Dwyer, Gilmore, Magnino, Moravec and Sampson voting in favor of the motion.


4.         Curriculum Reports:


4.1       Annual Industrial Technology, Library/Media, Language Arts Curriculum and Summer Grant Report (Second Grade Conference).  Written reports were submitted by each department.  Discussion was held regarding the ventilation system in the industrial tech area.  The system needs updating and is not covered by the bond.


Mark Jamison entered the meeting 7:12 p.m.


5.         Principal’s Reports:  Written reports were submitted by the principals.  Elementary Principal Chad Radke reported on the Love and Logic Conference he attended with Brent Cudly, Floyd Everitt and Keri Harris.  The elementary has developed a set of six core beliefs based on that conference.  Nine essential skills were also identified to create good relationships with students and parents while setting limits with enforceable rules.  High School Principal Lynn Johnson reviewed with the Board her report on the NASSP National Convention she attended in San Diego.  Brent Cudly’s written report included information on activities and student recognitions for February.


6.                  Superintendent’s Report/Informational Items:


6.1              Safe Routes Nebraska Update:  The grant for sidewalks to school will be resubmitted next year.

6.2              Construction Update:  The end of the school year could change for students.  This will allow the construction project enough extra time to be completed before school begins again in August.  Discussed the possibility of the elementary students’ last day being on May 15, and the high school students last day could be May 20.  The high school office entrance construction could begin before the last day of school in May and the bus drop off point could be adjusted to the construction schedule.  The buildings and grounds committee will research and give recommendations as to the resolution of the water line relocation options.

6.3              NRCSA Conference:  March 26 and 27 in Kearney.  Nate Stineman, Lynn Johnson, Kristie Gilmore, Susie Moravec and Mark Jamison will be attending the conference.


7.                  Unfinished Business:   None.


8.         New Business: 


8.1              Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Accept Staff Member’s Resignation:  Moved by Jamison and seconded by Magnino to accept the resignation of Bruce Kocher as language arts teacher effective at the end of his 2008-2009 teaching contract as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote with Dwyer, Gilmore, Jamison, Magnino, Moravec and Sampson voting in favor of the motion.


            Moved by Dwyer and seconded by Sampson to accept the resignation of Christal Kuchera as instrumental music teacher effective at the end of her 2008-2009 teaching contract as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


Moved by Sampson and seconded by Magnino to accept the resignation of Laurel O’Malley as elementary teacher effective at the end of her 2008-2009 teaching contract as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


8.2              Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action for Approval of ‘At-Will’ Employment:  Moved by Gilmore and seconded by Dwyer to approve the ‘at will’ employment of Kristine Little as custodian on the appropriate salary step effective February 23, 2009 as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


Moved by Magnino and seconded by Sampson to approve the ‘at will’ employment of Patricia Collins as custodian on the appropriate salary step effective March 9, 2009 as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


Moved by Dwyer and seconded by Gilmore to approve the ‘at will’ employment of Tim Stork as substitute bus driver effective February 25, 2009 as presented. Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


8.3              Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve Option Enrollment Capacities for the 2009-2010 School Year.  Moved by Sampson and seconded by Dwyer to approve the option enrollment capacities for the 2009-2010 school year as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


8.4              Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve 2009-2010 Activity Admissions and Pass Prices:  Moved by Sampson and seconded by Dwyer to approve the 2009-2010 Activity Admission and Activity Pass Prices as presented.


Admission              (Varsity)           (JV/9th/JH)

                        Students                       $4.00               $2.00  

                        Adults                          $5.00               $3.00              


Student Passes       $45/yr. ($40 winter)

Adult Passes           $60/yr. ($50 winter)

Family Passes         $130/yr. ($105 winter)

Senior Citizens        Free 

Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.  


8.5       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve the Assistant Secondary Principal/AD’s Contract Renewal:  Moved by Gilmore and seconded by Magnino to approve contract renewal for one year for Brent Cudly as Assistant Secondary Principal/Activities’ Director for the 2009-2010 school year as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


8.6       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve the Elementary Principal’s Contract Renewal:  Moved by Jamison and seconded by Sampson to approve contract renewal for one year for Chad Radke as Elementary Principal for the 2009-2010 school year as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


8.7              Interview Candidate for Superintendent.  Moved to after executive session.




8.8       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Offer and Approve a Contract for Superintendent.  Moved to after executive session.


9.         Executive Session:  Moved by Sampson and seconded by Magnino to enter into executive session to discuss personnel issues, and to prevent the needless injury to the reputation of an employee and/or individual and to protect the public interest.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


                                                            Time Entered:  8:03 p.m.                      

                                                Adjournment of Executive Session

                                                            Time Exited:  9:45 p.m.


­8.7       Interview Candidate for Superintendent: Lynn Johnson answered questions from the Board.


10.       Action on Executive Session Items:


 8.8      Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Offer and Approve a Contract for Superintendent.    


RESOLUTION:  BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of this School District that this Board of Education should, and does hereby, approve and authorize the issuance of a contract of employment to Lynn Johnson for the position of Superintendent of Schools for the three year period commencing July 1, 2009, and ending on June 30, 2012, on the terms and conditions set forth in the Superintendent’s Contract, and that the President and Secretary, or other Board members of this School District, should be, and are hereby, authorized to sign, execute and deliver the contract and to put its provisions into effect pending final approval of a contract with a salary of $105,000 per year plus contracted benefits.


The above Resolution, having been read in its entirety, member Greg Sampson moved for its passage and adoption, and member Micheal Dwyer seconded the same.


After discussion and on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage and adoption of the above resolution: Micheal Dwyer, Kristie Gilmore, Mark Jamison, Kristie Magnino, Susie Moravec and Greg Sampson.


The following members voted against the same:  None

The following members were absent or not voting:  None


The above Resolution, having been consented to and approved by more than a majority of the members of the Board of Education of this School District, was declared as passed and adopted by the President at a duly held and lawfully convened meeting in full compliance with the Nebraska open meetings law.


DATED this 9th day of March, 2009.



                                    a/k/a ARLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS   


11.       Adjournment:  There being no further business meeting was adjourned at 9:58 p.m.


___________________________________              ___________________________________

Susie Moravec, Board President                                               Nate Stineman, Board Secretary