1.                  Call Regular Meeting to Order:  The regular meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while this meeting was open to the public.


Roll call was taken.  Present were board members Micheal Dwyer, Mark Jamison, Kristie Magnino, Susie Moravec and Greg Sampson.  Also present were Matt O’Daniel, prospective board member, Lynn Johnson, superintendent, Andrew Farber, highs school principal and Cheryl Keeler, recording secretary.


1.1       Pledge of Allegiance


            1.2       Seating of New Board Member – Administrator Collects Oath of Office:

            Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Micheal Dwyer to pass and adopt a resolution to appoint Matthew O’Daniel as a member of the board of education as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote with Mike Dwyer, Mark Jamison, Kristie Magnino, Susie Moravec and Greg Sampson all voting in favor of the motion.


Matt O’Daniel took the oath of office and was sworn in by Board President Moravec.


1.3       Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda.  President requests changes or additions to agenda, otherwise agenda stands approved as presented.


Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Mike Dwyer to approve the regular agenda as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote with Mike Dwyer, Mark Jamison, Kristie Magnino, Susie Moravec, Matt O’Daniel and Greg Sampson all voting in favor of the motion.


2.         Special Presentation on Strategic Planning:  Pat Geary and Keith Rohrer presented information to the board pertaining to the process of strategic planning and how their company (LGR) can assist with that process.


3.         Welcome to Guests and Public Forum


4.         Reorganization of the Board:


4.1       Reappointment of Board Committees:  Empty committee slots on the board were filled.  Matt O’Daniel will serve on the Finance Committee and the Buildings and Grounds Committee while Greg Sampson will serve on the NASB Legislative and Steering Committee.


5.         Consent Agenda:


5.1       Minutes/Ratify Action of the September 12, 2011 Hearings and Regular Meeting.   

5.2       Monthly Financial Reports, Claims (Check Register), Special Fund Transfers, Hot Lunch Report and Activity Report. 


Depreciation Fund      Getschman                  $9,552

Boys Town National Research Hospital         Deaf/Hard of Hearing Parent-Infant Program            One Student                                   $965/Month or $241.25/Visit


Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Mark Jamison to approve the consent agenda as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Mark Jamison to approve the consent agenda as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


6.         Curriculum/Instruction Reports:  A written Title I report was submitted by Deb Hansen.


7.         Principals’ Reports:  Andrew Farber, high school principal, informed the board about what SMART goals are and spoke about the new format requiring out of town guests for student dances to have permission slips signed by their respective principals indicating they are in good standing.  Written reports were submitted by Brent Cudly, athletic director and Chad Radke, elementary principal.  Mr. Cudly’s report included information on softball districts, a middle school unit on Egypt and discussion topics for the middle school team.  Mr. Radke’s report included information of Fire Prevention Day, Red Ribbon activities and principal’s roundtable meetings.


8.         Superintendent’s Report:


8.1       State Education Conference:   November 16-18, LaVista Embassy Suites


8.2       Board Curriculum Report Proposal:  Superintendent Johnson presented for the board’s consideration, a new format for monthly board reports in lieu of the current curriculum reports.  The new format would have a Teacher Collaboration Time representative from elementary and secondary reporting to the board each month.  The reporting cycle for each department will take two years to complete.  The new reporting format will start with the November 2011 meeting.


            After supervising an activity, Brent Cudly entered the meeting at 8:40 p.m.


8.3       Board Retreat – February:  Susie Moravec will schedule the retreat at the Fremont Golf Club.


9.         Board of Education Committee Reports:


9.1       Finance Committee:  Mark Jamison received a level two pin from the NASB.  The finance committee will schedule a meeting in the near future.


9.2       Negotiations Committee – EHA Premium Holiday, TERIP:  No billing for health or dental premiums will be received in December if the premium holiday approval form is returned.  The TERIP policy was presented.  It would apply to teachers who are at least 55 by August 31, 2012.  This should create a cost savings for the district.


9.3       Buildings and Grounds – Ball Field Land:  No meeting was held in September.  A meeting will be scheduled in the near future to discuss the ball field land.  The buildings and grounds committee will also discuss the issue of transportation for option students.


10.       Unfinished Business:


10.1     Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve the Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the EHA Health Premium:  Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Kristie Magnino to approve the memorandum of understanding concerning the EHA Health Premium as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


10.2     Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve the Temporary Early Retirement Incentive Program and PolicyMoved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Kristie Magnino to pass and adopt the Temporary Early Retirement Incentive Program Resolution and Policy 4151 Temporary Early Retirement Incentive Program as amended.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


11.       New Business: 


11.1     Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Accept the Signing of the Project Program Agreement.  This agreement indicates that the board of education has reviewed the federal-aid funding for the safe routes grant and has authorized Lynn Johnson to sign the project program agreement.


Moved by Mark Jamison and seconded by Mike Dwyer to authorize Lynn Johnson, Superintendent of Schools, to sign the safe routes project program agreement as presented.  Motion carried on a 6-0 roll call vote.


11.2     Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Change Policy 3520 Transportation to Include Transportation of Resident and Option Students Not on Current Bus Routes.  Tabled until the buildings and grounds committee can investigate this issue.


11.3     Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve the 2010-2011 District Audit:  No audit was available.  Tabled until the November meeting.


11.4     Review, Discuss and Consider the Following Policies: 

            3200    Monies in School Buildings

            3210    Bonds

            3220    Educational Service Units – Designated Representative

            3230    Security

            3240    Safety

            3250    Trespassers     

            3410    Standards for Drivers

3540    Procedures – Bidding Construction Projects

            3550    Rebates to School Employees

            3560    Records Management and Disposition

            3570    NCLB


11.5     Discuss and Consider the Superintendent’s Evaluation Process and Forms: President Moravec will collect the evaluation forms in November and present to Superintendent Johnson in December.


11.6     Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action Concerning the Recent DOT Audit and Recommendation on the School Bus Lease Agreement and Addendum with St. Paul’s:  An issue arising as a result of the audit was that the lease agreement we have with St. Paul is problematic.  If we continue to lease our buses for activities we will no longer be afforded the exemptions allowed public schools under federal law. The buildings and grounds committee will review this further and suggest potential action to the board at next month’s meeting.


12.       Executive Session:  None needed.


13.       Adjournment:  There being no further business meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m.


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Susie Moravec, Board President                                 Lynn Johnson, Board Secretary


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Date                                                                            Date