1.         Call Hearings/Meeting to Order and Roll Call:  The hearing was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while this meeting was open to the public.


Roll call was taken.  Present were board members Micheal Dwyer, Mark Jamison, Kristie Magnino, Susie Moravec and Greg Sampson. Also present were Lynn Johnson, superintendent, Andrew Farber, high school principal, Brent Cudly, assistant high school principal and athletic director, Chad Radke, elementary principal and Cheryl Keeler, recording secretary.


1.1       Pledge of Allegiance


2.         Public Hearing:  Conduct Budget Hearing 2011-2012 Proposed Budget. 


Open Budget Hearing                         Time:  7:01 p.m.


Discuss, Consider and Receive Input on the District’s 2011-2012 Budget.  Superintendent Johnson presented several spreadsheets pertaining to the budget and the tax request to the board and public.


                                    Close Budget Hearing                                    Time:  7:20 p.m.


3.         Call Tax Request Hearing/Meeting to Order


                                    Open Tax Request Hearing                 Time:  7:20 p.m.


Discuss, Consider and Receive Input from Public on the 2011-2012 Tax Request. 


General Fund Property Tax Request:             $4,577,323.19

Property Tax Rate:                                          1.049130


Bond Fund Tax Request:                                $396,630.30

Property Tax Rate:                                          .090908


            Close Tax Request Hearing                 Time:  7:21 p.m.














1.                  Call Regular Meeting to Order and Roll Call:  The regular meeting was called to order at 7:21 p.m.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while this meeting was open to the public.


1.1       Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Greg Sampson to approve the regular agenda as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote with Mike Dwyer, Mark Jamison, Kristie Magnino, Susie Moravec and Greg Sampson voting in favor of the motion.


2.         Welcome to Guests and Public Forum:  All four board applicants introduced themselves to the board and to the public.  Applicants to fill the board seat left vacant by the passing of Kristie Gilmore are:  Matt O’Daniel, Keith Miskie, Don Helms and Luanne Sundberg.


3.         Consent Agenda:


3.1       Minutes/Ratify Action of the August 8, 2011 Regular Meeting.   

3.2       Monthly Financial Reports, Claims (Check Register), Special Fund Transfers, Hot Lunch Report and Activity Report. 


General Fund Transfer of $150,000 to the Depreciation Fund. (Roof replacement, vehicle acquisition, equipment purchase, update and renovations to buildings and grounds.)


Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Mark Jamison to approve the consent agenda as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.


4.         Curriculum/Instruction Reports:  Guidance.  Written reports were submitted by Kerri Harris, elementary guidance and Floyd Everitt, secondary guidance department.


5.         Principals’ Reports:  Andrew Farber, high school principal, reported and gained confirmation on the plans for a Close-Up trip.  He also spoke of a middle school recognition program, NeSA scores and updated the board on TCT progress.  The board had some questions on the NeSA scores and implications of same.  Brent Cudly, athletic director, reported on homecoming week plans.  Chad Radke, elementary principal, reported on Spanish instruction, DIBELS testing results, school pictures, TCT progress, the technology boot camp he attended and bleacher creatures.


6.         Superintendent’s Report


6.1       Enrollment Figures:  PK-12:  568


6.2       Reminder of NASB Meeting in Fremont on September 21.


6.3       Proposal to the District to Purchase Segment of Land Abutting the Baseball Field for $1.00:  The school has been asked to consider the acquisition (by gifting) of a small parcel of land abutting the baseball field the district owns.  The board has directed the buildings and grounds committee to investigate this further.


6.4       Disposal of Old Metal Desks and File Cabinets:  The board was informed of the plans to dispose of metal desks and file cabinets via the process of advertising in the newsletter and the website as per policy.


7.         Board of Education Committee Reports


7.1       Finance Committee:   Budget Update, Update on Bond Financing:  The finance committee reported on the overview of the budget, potential ways to control the budget in the upcoming years and the potential to refinance bonds.


7.2       Negotiations:  Update on EHA.  The negotiations committee was to meet after the board meeting to discuss the Educators Health Alliance Holiday Premium proposal from the AEA.


8.         Unfinished Business


8.1       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Adopt Policy 5008 Student Attendance:  Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Kristie Magnino to adopt Policy 5008 Student Attendance as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.


8.2       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve the Purchase of a 2012 Ford Econoline E-350 10-Passenger Van.  Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Mike Dwyer to approve the purchase of a 2012 Ford Econoline E-350 10-Passenger Van for $28,621 before trade-in, from Woodhouse Ford as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.



9.         New Business


9.1       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve the 2011-2012 District Budget.  Moved by Mark Jamison and seconded by Greg Sampson to approve the 2011-2012 District Budgets as listed:  General Fund $7,705,370; Depreciation Fund $336,434.19; Activities Fund $360,690.12; School Lunch Fund $296,031.34; Bond Fund $559,727, Special Building Fund $311,413.87 as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.


9.2       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve the 2011-2012 Tax Request Resolution.


                     2011-2012 TAX REQUEST

                                    EXHIBIT A


                                    Funds                          2011-2012 Approved Tax Rate

                                    General                        $4,577,323.19             1.049130

                                    Bond                           $396,630.30                0.090908


Moved by Kristie Magnino and seconded by Susie Moravec to adopt a resolution to approve the 2011-2012 tax request as presented. Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote. 


9.3       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve “At-Will” Employment.  Moved by Mike Dwyer and seconded by Greg Sampson to approve the employment of Vickie Freeman as custodian effective August 22, 2011 school year as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.


9.4       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve the Purchase of

            a John Deere Mower.  Moved by Greg Sampson and seconded by Kristie Magnino to approve the purchase of a John Deere mower for $7,150 after trade-in as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.


9.5       Review, Discuss and Consider the Following Policies: 

            3010    Budget Planning

            3020    Public Review of Budget

            3030    Transfer of Funds Between Categories

            3040    Budget as Spending Plan – Budgeted Items

            3050    Tuition Fees

            3060    Materials Fees

            3070    Summer School Fees

            3080    Federal Funds

            3090    Sales and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies

            3100    Leasing

            3110    Short-Term Investing

            3120    Depository

            3130    Purchasing Policies

            3140    Contracting for Services

            3150    Paying for Goods and Services

            3160    Report of Treasurer

            3170    Periodic Audit

            3180    System of Accounts

            3190    Inventory of Equipment


9.6       Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Adopt Policies 3120 Depository and 3130 Purchasing Policies.  Moved by Kristie Magnino and seconded by Susie Moravec to adopt Policy 3120 Depository and Policy 3130 Purchasing as presented.  Motion carried on a 5-0 roll call vote.


9.7       Discuss and Consider the Interview Process for Board Candidates:  The board discussed the interview process for board applicants.  It was decided that a board committee would interview the applicants next Monday evening, September 19, 2011, in 35 minute time slots.  The committee will bring a recommendation to the board at the October meeting.


9.8       Discuss and Consider the Development and Implementation of a Temporary Early Retirement Incentive Program:  The board discussed the possibility of developing and implementing a temporary Early Retirement Incentive Program for the purpose of offering financial incentives to long-term employees and to reduce costs to the district.  The board has charged the negotiation committee to look into this further and bring a recommendation to the board.


10.       Executive Session:  Discuss and Consider Negotiations of the EHA Holiday Premium:  Executive session not needed.


11.       Action on Executive Session Items


12.       Adjournment:  There being no further business meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.


__________________________________                ______________________________

Susie Moravec, Board President                                 Lynn Johnson, Board Secretary